Saturday, April 30, 2011

Where ya been?

It's been over a year since I added anything to this blog-writings or art. January of 2010 doesn't feel that long ago but time flies all the same. Since then the only traditional art I've done was for I offered some illustrations for possible inclusion in the 2010 edition of Scifi Almanac. They art for a story titled Timewreck was accepted and printed in the almanac.

Also an illustration I did in art school 18 years ago was used for another story. You can submit art as you see fit to and if it fits a story submitted by a writer both may see print. The cool thing about this?...As an artist you keep the rights to your art and can submit it elsewhere at the same time or sell it.

I haven't felt like drawing or painting anything in months. I play on the computer a little with various programs but that's about it at this point. This happens regularly. When the urge to create hits, there's a frenzy of activity that happens until the energy is exhausted. After that it's back to the point I'm at now.:/

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